VDH, Inc.

Mobile Dental Hygiene Care (Nonprofit – 501(c)(3))

Bringing smiles and dignity to dental care



- A cleaning procedure to thoroughly clean the teeth

Prophylaxis is an important dental treatment for halting the progression of periodontal disease and gingivitis.

Periodontal disease and gingivitis occur when bacteria from plaque colonize on the gingival (gum) tissue – either above or below the gum line. These bacteria colonies cause serious inflammation and irritation which in turn produce a chronic inflammatory response in the body.

As a result, the body begins to systematically destroy gum and bone tissue, making the teeth shift, become unstable, or completely fall out. The pockets between the gums and teeth become deeper and house more bacteria which may travel via the bloodstream and infect other parts of the body.

Dental Screening

- A checkup of your teeth and gums

Dental screening is used to identify tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems early when they're easier to treat. The screenings are also used to help educate people on the best ways to care for their teeth and gums.

Oral Cancer Screening

- Detecting mouth cancer or pre-cancerous lesions

The goal of oral cancer screening is to detect mouth cancer or precancerous lesions that may lead to mouth cancer at an early stage — when cancer or lesions are easiest to remove and most likely to be cured.

People with a high risk of oral cancer may be more likely to benefit from oral cancer screening. Factors that can increase the risk of oral cancer include:

  • Tobacco use of any kind, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco and snuff, among others
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Previous oral cancer diagnosis
  • History of significant sun exposure, which increases the risk of lip cancer.

The number of people diagnosed with mouth and throat cancers has been rising over the last several years. An increasing number of these cancers are associated with the sexually transmitted infection human papillomavirus (HPV).

Pregnancy Oral Screening

- Pregnancy increases the risk of oral health problems

Due to physiological changes associated with pregnancy it can cause periodontal (gum)disease, and tooth decay.

In addition, early screening of women for oral health problems, provides an opportunity for women to learn about how to prevent decay for themselves and for their future or existing children. We take the time to explain to each pregnant patient in our care the link between gum disease and the risk of low birth weight and preterm labor. This knowledge helps to motivate and empower each expecting mother to care for her oral health.

Oral Hygiene Instruction

- For the prevention of cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis

Our hygienists will take the time to instruct you on how to care for your teeth and gums. Oral hygiene is the best means of prevention of cavities (dental caries), gingivitis, periodontitis, and other dental disorders. It also helps to prevent bad breath (halitosis). Oral hygiene is necessary for all persons to maintain the health of their teeth and mouth. Healthy gums are pink and firm.

Healthy teeth have less cavities. They are clean and have minimal or no plaque deposits. The teeth should be brushed at least twice daily and flossed at least once per day. For some people, brushing and flossing may be recommended after every meal and at bedtime.

Dentures, retainers, and other appliances must be kept extremely clean. This includes regular brushing and includes soaking them in a cleansing solution at night, which allows for the gums to “breath” while the patient sleeps.

Desensitizing Treatments

- Managing tooth sensitivity

There are several treatment options for managing dentinal hypersensitivity. Chemical or physical agents are used to either desensitize the nerve or to cover the exposed dentinal tubules.

Our team will apply Fluoride varnish, which prevents new cavities from forming and slows down or stops decay from progressing. This fluoride varnish is a desensitizing agent, which will seal areas of dentin surfaces (areas which become exposed when a patient experiences gum recession). We dispense toothpaste that is designed for sensitive teeth to each patient.

Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatment

- Applied directly to cavities to stop tooth decay

Some patients who have active tooth decay may be eligible for an alternative treatment that uses Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF). SDF is an antimicrobial liquid that treats cavities in a non- invasive, fast, affordable, and painless manner. SDF is a liquid that is simply brushed on to the cavity that can stop current decay and prevent new decay in the future.(I removed "can treat" to "take treats")

Protective Dental Sealants

A dental sealant is a thin, plastic coating painted on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (6 year old and 12 year old molars) to prevent tooth decay for children. The sealant quickly bonds into the depressions and grooves of the teeth, forming a protective shield over the enamel of each tooth.

Although thorough brushing and flossing can remove food particles and plaque from smooth surfaces of teeth, they cannot always get into all the nooks and crannies of the back teeth to remove the food and plaque. Sealants protect these vulnerable areas from tooth decay by "sealing out" plaque and food.

Placement of dental sealants are completely painless.

Dental Referral Service

Our team will take the time to instruct each patient on how to locate a dentist in their area for follow up dental care.